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AE Spink – Modern Slavery &
Human Trafficking Statement

Company Structure

A.E. Spink Ltd is a distributor of building, plumbing, heating & bathroom products to the trade and retail public. We have six branches in Yorkshire & North Nottinghamshire employing in excess of 120 people.


With people at the centre of our core values, the company looks to ensure that the business and its responsibilities to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 are transparent within the organisation and with the suppliers of goods and services to the organisation.

We ensure that our policies respect human rights and recognise the rights of employees to have a respectful workplace.

Supplier Adherence

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and review our approved supplier list on an ongoing basis. We expect all our suppliers to adhere to this legislation and either directly or via partner organisations we are members of (PHG, H&B, NMBS) ask them to confirm adherence.

Commitment to our Policy

We make our staff aware of the Modern Slavery Act, what it means and what to do if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking.

We operate a robust recruitment policy which includes checks on the eligibility to work in the UK as safeguards within our own business.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our company’s slavery and human trafficking for the financial year ending 30th November 2021.

M.I Harrison

7th February 2022

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